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Tag archive for pr strategy

Storytelling:  How to find and tell your company’s story

Storytelling: How to find and tell your company’s story

Experienced marketers know the best way to talk about a company is by telling stories.  I’m not talking about the Dr. Seuss kind; I’m talking about your one-of-kind corporate story that infuses a human element and establishes a true connection with your audiences. The kind…

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Strategy is an over-used buzzword

Strategy is an over-used buzzword

Definition: Strategy – noun – a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific, goal or result. When I hear people use the word “strategy”, I often wonder what they really mean or if they even know what they’ve just said. …

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Infographics: A PR secret weapon

Infographics: A PR secret weapon

In a recent issue of the Globe and Mail, I learned about a cool new, web-based app called, which takes user data from LinkedIn and turns it into a customizable infographic résumé like this one I quickly created for myself here: – Maria…

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How to deal with detractors

How to deal with detractors

Most issues have two sides where detractors or naysayers will challenge your point of view – often out in the open.  In a news story, the media strive to create balanced stories or use ‘conflict’ as a news hook so they will often include comment…

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