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Blog - page 10

Communicating During A Recession

Communicating During A Recession

When the financial crisis hit, everyone seemed to batten down the proverbial hatches. Executive management slashed budgets, put projects on hold, and started using phrases like “cash is king”. Although it remains to be seen how long the economic downturn will last, the shock has…

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More than 75% journalists visit online newsrooms often or very often

More than 75% journalists visit online newsrooms often or very often

Seventy-eight per cent of journalists visit online newsrooms often or very often according to a study conducted by TEKgroup, a US-based company that asked 1,200 journalists their views on online newsrooms. Overall, 98% of respondents said it’s important for companies to have an online newsroom….

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Is social media killing the PR star?

Is social media killing the PR star?

I ‘ve been reading about social media leading the demise of public relations for sometime. In fact, I think the opposite is true: PR is gaining more relevance. Social media is public relations in its truest form and the two disciplines  are highly complementary, not…

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The 105 Most Persuasive Words

The 105 Most Persuasive Words

A picture can paint a thousand words but the right words can sell a thousand pictures.  So, what is the secret to effective word choice? Advertisers and PR professionals have a lot in common; both desire to inspire their audience to make a positive decision,…

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